DX517是一款专门为人眼安全打造的堆叠封装远距离探测LiDAR芯片。其SPAD采用基于优乐园半导体核心知识产权的铟镓砷材料,可以在1550nm波段实现高探测效率。该芯片将铟镓砷材料工艺的感光wafer和传统硅工艺的Logic wafer进行混合型堆叠封装。该芯片可以使用在自动驾驶汽车、无人机等各种远距离应用。
- 1550nm InGaAs SPAD
- Hybrid 3D Stack
- 300m long distance detection
- 3D LiDAR technology with high sensitivity SPAD detection
- Delivers high SNR, wide dynamic range and no multi-path reflections
- 10um x 10 um BSI pixels
- 200 x600 SPAD Detection And Ranging pixels
- Fast on-chip histogram processing
- Sub-nanosecond light pulse
- Sunlight on-chip rejection filter and algorithm
- Programmable Repetition rate